Greek Oregano jar

Sourced from small organic farms, this ground Oregano from Taygetus. An absolute staple that shouldn’t miss even from the most minimal pantry!
You will be transported to the Greek countryside, right away!
People sometimes wonder why this selection includes three different types of oregano. Well, oregano is not just “one” herb, but rather a generic name used to define over 40 plant varieties around the world. And according to botanical scientists, Greece happens to be where some of the most praised varietals of oregano thrive. Rich in essential oils, spicy and peppery, this Oregano from Taygetus is all-purpose oregano here at Daphnis and Chloe. Store your bouquet in a pasta jar (or any airtight container), and crumble some florets on your salad right before serving. During July and August, you’ll find people harvesting and drying oregano in every mountainous village of Greece.